I remember most everything that ever went on with this guild as I think, I can't be totally sure, that I was always here with the guild. I remember the formation of the Guild in Tou Tou by Johud and Co., the invitation to be a part of a great clan. Being made a leader and letting it go totally to my head. Realizing that I wasn't all that and calming down a little in the leadership department .
I remember the horrible day Johud messaged me on MSN saying he was quitting AC. And the multi-conversations that ensued on what to do about the Guild if Johud left.
I remember jokingly offering to take over as Monarch for the Guild if it stayed together. Somehow that joke turned into reality and the "Darktide Regulators" were reformed under the Tag Fayne.
I remember when Wulfette decided she was tired of someone O.o'ing at our home and declaring war on their Guild without consulting me and the many times I ceased fired after she restarted the war
Then I remember merging the guild into Clan of the Hand. For being just a game I remember feeling like a total failure for having to dissolve my family and merge them into another clan. Then when I couldn't handle the feeling of failure anymore leaving Clan of the Hand and Reforming the guild with Silver-wolfe.
The Day the Guild purchased our new Mansion and the feeling of accomplishment that came with it.
The growth the guild felt and the growing pains that were felt. Everything although just in a game, so real to me.
There were a lot of good times I shared with the friends and family in the Guild. And there were many times I could only wish to forget.
But with everything there comes a time to stop and allow the memories to be everything that they are and let time slip away to where you really are.
The Darktide Chapter of the Regs was closed and no matter what, it appears it will remain closed as the interest that once was has waned. My time in AC officially has come to an end, the enjoyment the game used to provide me is gone.
The AO Chapter of the Regs never really came to fruitation as the game couldn't hold those of us that went there.
The AC2 Chapter couldn't last with the lack of anything in AC2 to hold a players attention.
There are many game to come which might hold a spot for the Regs to be reborn in however I don't think it will be with me.
Gaming for me requires more then just a great game and although AC was able to give everything to all of us which made us all want to be in the game, I am not seeing this in many of the Future games. I think in the end AC has grown old to many of us and there is not much chance the new Expansion will be enough to keep our interests in this 4+ year old game. And our Expectations for new games are too different for us to find ourselves in the same games in the Future.
Besides all this for me Real Life has to come to the Front Burner and I have to sit down and take a hard look at where I am today and where I should be.
In the End I guess its just time for me to say Goodbye to everyone that has been a part of my life for the past 4+ years. I don't think I am just going to stop looking at this site or posting but I do think I am going to stop logging onto AC and perhaps resign my Positions with the Clan so that someone with fresh ideas might take over and revitalize the site.