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Anarchy Online : SecuriChest Access Card

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This is the access card for an Olde English Trading Company brand SecuriChest, the most secure line of chests ever built. Virtually indestructible, the OET SecuriChest can only be opened with the correct access card and code combination. These chests were designed to hold the most valuable artifacts in the galaxy, and owning one is a sign of great wealth - The chests themselevs are almost valuable enough to warrant being put in the chest. Most existing SecuriChests now reside in tombs and crypts owned by exceedingly rich families, with the cards and codes passed down from generation to generation. You don't own a chest, and even if you did you have nothing anywhere near valuable enough to warrant using it (no, not even if you have a Robust Backpack). Other people don't know that, though - All they'll see is the flashy access card.