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Anarchy Online : Quality Black Pete

Name QL Range
Item Icon Quality Black Pete 200 - 200
Black Pete is a variation of the Blackjack/Blackjohn. It is light and very well balanced. The creator of this item wasn't actually called Pete - but Saturn Capo (related to Felix Capo). He lived near Last Ditch, where he had his workshop/laboratory. He worked freelance with fauna research for the Omni-Tek Corporation, but what he enjoyed most was hunting Tree Stalkers. He tested many types of weapons, and found blunt weapons most effective against the hard shells of the Stalkers. Maces, clubs, batons staffs and sticks were tested, but the most effective was a pair of modified Blackjohns. Like most of his work, the process of transforming the Blackjohns into 'Black Petes' were described in detail in his notes - that were found by the Omni Police in his house after his mysterious disappearance in 29417. A number of these weapons were produced, but the production halted in 29418, officially because 'no one hunted Stalkers'. In reality it was more likely because of the war with SOL Banking Corporation.