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Anarchy Online : Manex SD 4004 Black Liner

Name QL Range
Item Icon Manex SD 4004 Black Liner 80 - 131
This is a covert full edition of the Manex STR77. The 4004 isn't really a semi-automatic version, but has an intuitive AT-B-responser to choose between single-shot, three-round burst and full auto. AT-B stands for 'Advanced Toiler-Bots' (many regard this as self-contradiction, since Toiler-Bots can't be advanced).
This is a covert full edition of the Manex STR77. The 4004 isn't really a semi-automatic version, but has an intuitive AT-B-responser to choose between single-shot, three-round burst and full auto. AT-B stands for 'Advanced Toiler-Bots' (many regard this as self-contradiction, since Toiler-Bots can't be advanced).