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Anarchy Online : Irreparable Blackened Miniblaster

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Item Icon Irreparable Blackened Miniblaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Irreparable Blackened Miniblaster 1 - 20
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Irreparable Blackened Miniblaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 1 and 20. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add in following order: 1. Pistol Weapons Contruction KitSkill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4 -> 80 2. Energy Pack InterfaceSkill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 4 -> 80 3. Notum Enriched Nano Paste - 1x LayerSkill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2 -> 30 4. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire GyroSkill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4 -> 80 5. Notum Enriched Nano Paste - 2x LayerSkill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2 -> 40 6. Notum Alloy Strenghtened RibsSkill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2 -> 50 7. Nano PylonSkill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2 -> 50 8. Jandawit Cleanup ClusterSkill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4 -> 70 9. Short Composite BarrelSkill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 3 -> 65 10. Energy Conduction RackSkill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 3 -> 65 11. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling SystemSkill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4 -> 80
The Miniblasters are made for easy concealment and compact power. It is fast and durable, but loads fewer rounds than its bigger brothers. The Miniblaster is not that easy to come by.
The Miniblasters are made for easy concealment and compact power. It is fast and durable, but loads fewer rounds than its bigger brothers. The Miniblaster is not that easy to come by.