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Anarchy Online : Hacked Charged Nano Finger - Protein Breakdown

Name QL Range
Item Icon Hacked Charged Nano Finger - Protein Breakdown 16 - 200
This Charged Nano 'Finger' contains the nano formula Protein Breakdown (The target continuously suffers 8 points of poison-based damage as its protein strands are destroyed.). This Charged Nano 'Finger' has had its use protection removed. This means that is it easier to use, but much more unstable. It is usually worthless to official vendors.
This Charged Nano 'Finger' contains the nano formula Protein Breakdown (The target continuously suffers 8 points of poison-based damage as its protein strands are destroyed.). This Charged Nano 'Finger' has had its use protection removed. This means that is it easier to use, but much more unstable. It is usually worthless to official vendors.