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Anarchy Online : Double Stab

Name QL Range
Item Icon Double Stab 1 - 1
Item Icon Double Stab 1 - 500
Item Icon Double Stab 1 - 500
Item Icon Double Stab 500 - 500
You have recently been performed the Double Stab special ability.
Special requires Stab to be running. The effect of this Special is a direct damage and minor damage over time to your target. Recharge, 30 seconds
Double Stab ability
Double Stab ability
Double Stab ability
Double Stab ability
Double Stab ability
You are bleeding from the wounds caused by a Double Stab attack.
You are bleeding from the wounds caused by a Double Stab attack.
You are bleeding from the wounds caused by a Double Stab attack.
You have recently been affected by the Double Stab special ability.