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Anarchy Online : Cast-Off Blackened Blaster

Name QL Range
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Rifle 21 - 40
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster 21 - 40
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 21 and 40. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 47-90 3. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 42-80 4. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 5. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 89-170 6. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 7. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 32-60 8. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 9. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 10. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 11. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 52-100 12. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 68-130 13. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 74-140
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Cast-Off Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 21 and 40. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 3. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 74-140 4. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 89-170 5. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 84-160 6. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 32-60 7. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 8. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 9. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 68-130 10. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 11. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 12. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 42-80 13. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.