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Anarchy Online : Blackhole Mk IX - 401

Name QL Range
Item Icon Blackhole Mk IX - 401 1 - 300
This is an updated version of the old Blackhole Mk IX. The brother of the Supernova, the Blackhole fires a huge blob of antimatter. It has a terrible rate of fire, just like its brother, but armor means nothing to it. A must-have in many situations. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to balance the weapon so you hit more precisely (this will make the weapon NoDrop).
This is an updated version of the old Blackhole Mk IX. The brother of the Supernova, the Blackhole fires a huge blob of antimatter. It has a terrible rate of fire, just like its brother, but armor means nothing to it. A must-have in many situations. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to balance the weapon so you hit more precisely (this will make the weapon NoDrop).