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Anarchy Online : Blackened Blaster

Name QL Range
Item Icon Second-Hand Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Second-Hand Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Quality Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Quality Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Premium Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Premium Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Over-Tuned Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Over-Tuned Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Ill-Treated Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Ill-Treated Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Fine-Tuned Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Fine-Tuned Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Deluxe Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Deluxe Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Balanced Blackened Blaster Rifle Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Balanced Blackened Blaster Construction Manual 1 - 1
Item Icon Ill-Treated Blackened Blaster Rifle 1 - 20
Item Icon Ill-Treated Blackened Blaster 1 - 20
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Rifle - C02 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Rifle - 402 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Rifle - 002 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Rifle - 000 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster - C02 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster - 402 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster - 002 1 - 300
Item Icon Blackened Blaster - 000 1 - 300
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Rifle 21 - 40
Item Icon Cast-Off Blackened Blaster 21 - 40
Item Icon Over-Tuned Blackened Blaster Rifle 41 - 60
Item Icon Over-Tuned Blackened Blaster 41 - 60
Item Icon Second-Hand Blackened Blaster Rifle 61 - 80
Item Icon Second-Hand Blackened Blaster 61 - 80
Item Icon Blackened Blaster Rifle 81 - 100
Item Icon Blackened Blaster 81 - 100
Item Icon Quality Blackened Blaster Rifle 101 - 120
Item Icon Quality Blackened Blaster 101 - 120
Item Icon Balanced Blackened Blaster Rifle 121 - 140
Item Icon Balanced Blackened Blaster 121 - 140
Item Icon Fine-Tuned Blackened Blaster Rifle 141 - 160
Item Icon Fine-Tuned Blackened Blaster 141 - 160
Item Icon Deluxe Blackened Blaster Rifle 161 - 199
Item Icon Deluxe Blackened Blaster 161 - 199
Item Icon Premium Blackened Blaster Rifle 200 - 200
Item Icon Premium Blackened Blaster 200 - 200
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Second-Hand Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 61 and 80. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 122-160 3. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 244-320 4. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 244-320 5. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 152-200 6. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 92-120 7. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 152-200 8. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 152-200 9. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 259-340 10. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 214-280 11. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 244-320 12. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 137-180 13. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 198-260
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Second-Hand Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 61 and 80. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 244-320 3. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 152-200 4. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 244-320 5. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 92-120 6. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 152-200 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 152-200 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 122-160 9. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 214-280 10. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 152-200 11. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 259-340 12. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 198-260 13. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 244-320
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Quality Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 101 and 120. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 152-180 3. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 404-480 4. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 252-300 5. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 252-300 6. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 202-240 7. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 252-300 8. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 429-510 9. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 404-480 10. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 328-390 11. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 404-480 12. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 227-270 13. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 354-420
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Quality Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 101 and 120. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 252-300 3. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 404-480 4. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 354-420 5. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 328-390 6. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 404-480 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 252-300 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 202-240 9. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 429-510 10. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 404-480 11. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 152-180 12. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 252-300 13. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 252-300
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Premium Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 200 and 200. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 850-850 3. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 800-800 4. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 300-300 5. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 800-800 6. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 800-800 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 500-500 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 500-500 9. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 650-650 10. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 700-700 11. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 450-450 12. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 400-400 13. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 500-500
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Premium Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 200 and 200. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 850-850 3. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 800-800 4. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 300-300 5. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 800-800 6. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 500-500 7. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 650-650 8. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 800-800 9. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 500-500 10. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 400-400 11. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 500-500 12. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 500-500 13. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 700-700
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Over-Tuned Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 41 and 60. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 164-240 3. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 102-150 4. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 133-195 5. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 174-255 6. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 92-135 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 102-150 8. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 164-240 9. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 82-120 10. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 164-240 11. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 144-210 12. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 102-150 13. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 62-90
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Over-Tuned Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 41 and 60. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 144-210 3. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 174-255 4. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 82-120 5. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 102-150 6. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 102-150 7. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 164-240 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 62-90 9. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 102-150 10. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 102-150 11. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 133-195 12. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 164-240 13. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 164-240
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Ill-Treated Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 1 and 20. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2-50 3. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2-40 4. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2-30 5. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-80 6. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 2-45 7. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-70 8. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-85 9. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-80 10. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 3-65 11. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2-50 12. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2-50 13. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-80
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Ill-Treated Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 1 and 20. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2-50 3. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-70 4. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 4-80 5. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2-30 6. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 2-40 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2-50 8. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-85 9. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 3-65 10. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-80 11. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2-50 12. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 2-50 13. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 4-80
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Fine-Tuned Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 141 and 160. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 458-520 3. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 352-400 4. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-640 5. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 599-680 6. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 352-400 7. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 494-560 8. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-640 9. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 212-240 10. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 282-320 11. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 352-400 12. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-640 13. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 317-360
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Fine-Tuned Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 141 and 160. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 494-560 3. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 352-400 4. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-640 5. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 599-680 6. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 352-400 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 352-400 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 282-320 9. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 564-640 10. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 212-240 11. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 352-400 12. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 458-520 13. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-640
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Deluxe Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 161 and 199. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 684-846 3. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 644-796 4. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 523-647 5. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 402-498 6. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 402-498 7. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 644-796 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 402-498 9. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 322-398 10. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 242-298 11. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 644-796 12. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 362-448 13. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-696
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Deluxe Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 161 and 199. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 402-498 3. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 684-846 4. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 523-647 5. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 644-796 6. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 402-498 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 402-498 8. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 644-796 9. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 402-498 10. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 564-696 11. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 644-796 12. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 242-298 13. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 322-398
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Cast-Off Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 21 and 40. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 47-90 3. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 42-80 4. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 5. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 89-170 6. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 7. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 32-60 8. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 9. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 10. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 11. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 52-100 12. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 68-130 13. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 74-140
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Cast-Off Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 21 and 40. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 3. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 74-140 4. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 89-170 5. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 84-160 6. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 32-60 7. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 8. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 9. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 68-130 10. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 84-160 11. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100 12. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 42-80 13. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 52-100
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 81 and 100. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 263-325 3. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 162-200 4. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 324-400 5. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 284-350 6. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 202-250 7. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 344-425 8. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 324-400 9. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 324-400 10. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 202-250 11. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 122-150 12. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 182-225 13. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 202-250
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon cannot be upgraded further.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon cannot be upgraded further.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to balance the weapon so you hit more precisely (this will make the weapon NoDrop).
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to balance the weapon so you hit more precisely (this will make the weapon NoDrop).
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to upgrade with a new clip which can hold more ammo.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to upgrade with a new clip which can hold more ammo.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to enable Aimed Shot.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster Rifle. This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to enable Aimed Shot.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 81 and 100. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 263-325 3. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 324-400 4. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 202-250 5. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 202-250 6. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 284-350 7. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 324-400 8. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 122-150 9. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 344-425 10. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 324-400 11. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 202-250 12. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 162-200 13. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 202-250
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon cannot be upgraded further.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon cannot be upgraded further.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to balance the weapon so you hit more precisely (this will make the weapon NoDrop).
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to balance the weapon so you hit more precisely (this will make the weapon NoDrop).
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to upgrade with a new clip which can hold more ammo.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to upgrade with a new clip which can hold more ammo.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to enable Aimed Shot.
This is an updated version of the old Blackened Blaster. This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike. This weapon can be upgraded further. It is possible to enable Aimed Shot.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Balanced Blackened Blaster Rifle' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 121 and 140. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 182-210 3. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 514-595 4. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 484-560 5. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 242-280 6. Lock and Stock. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 484-560 7. Jandawit Cleanup Cluster. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 424-490 8. Primitive Freon Bag Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 484-560 9. notum-enriched nano paste - 4x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 302-350 10. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 393-455 11. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 302-350 12. Auto Targeting Computer -IIR 1. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 272-315 13. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 302-350
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This powerful rifle shoots a burst of energy when used. It is based on the same components as a blaster gun, but extended to concentrate the energy more.
This Instruction Manual will teach you how to assemble a: 'Balanced Blackened Blaster' The Construction Kit must be between Quality Level 121 and 140. All other pieces must be of AT LEAST that level range... Add them using shift+right-click. Add the pieces in the following order: 1. Rifle Weapons Construction Kit 2. Self-Cleaning KO-CR Device. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 424-490 3. Ultra-Long Composite Barrel. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 514-595 4. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 302-350 5. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 302-350 6. Nano Pylon. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 302-350 7. Notum Alloy Strengthened Ribs. Skill To Assemble: Mech. Engi: 302-350 8. Energy Conduction Rack. Skill To Assemble: Quantum FT: 393-455 9. Hyper Carbo-Ceramic Cooling System. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 484-560 10. Rapid-Reload-And-Fire Gyro. Skill To Assemble: Weapon Smt: 484-560 11. Energy Pack Interface. Skill To Assemble: Elec. Engi: 484-560 12. notum-enriched nano paste - 1x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 182-210 13. notum-enriched nano paste - 2x Layer. Skill To Assemble: Nano Progra: 242-280
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.
This common blaster is owned by most people on the planet. It is balanced and easy to use, with a combination of average speed and power. A true weapon for the experienced and the unexperienced alike.