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Anarchy Online : Balanced Planet Gripon Arms Hard-Boomer

Name QL Range
Item Icon Balanced Planet Gripon Arms Hard-Boomer 121 - 140
The Hard-Boomer was designed for anti-cyborg use on the tech-planet Gripon. It proved to be popular among the cyborgs too, and contributed to their victory at Spricket-2 Mountain and the planet's capital Wills. The cyborgs lost their upper hand when the axis-powers created massive artificial lightning storms over the cyborg main army, and the war entered its current guerrilla phase.
The Hard-Boomer was designed for anti-cyborg use on the tech-planet Gripon. It proved to be popular among the cyborgs too, and contributed to their victory at Spricket-2 Mountain and the planet's capital Wills. The cyborgs lost their upper hand when the axis-powers created massive artificial lightning storms over the cyborg main army, and the war entered its current guerrilla phase.