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Anarchy Online : Balanced IMI Desert Reet 1000

Name QL Range
Item Icon Balanced IMI Desert Reet 1000 121 - 140
Urban Rubi-Ka's favorite handgun of the 20370's. The Desert Reet was a clan design, built to fire large-caliber rim-fire loads through an automatic pistol, while maintaining a high reliability in hostile (desert) environments. The grip on most Desert Reets is considered uncomfortably large for shooters with smaller hands, as the handle has to accommodate rounds never intended for an auto-loader. The Desert Reets are popular to this day, especially with the availability of Nano-Thermal Enhancement. The most enjoyable aspect of the Reet is its additional penetration due to its use of chemical enzymes as default!
Urban Rubi-Ka's favorite handgun of the 20370's. The Desert Reet was a clan design, built to fire large-caliber rim-fire loads through an automatic pistol, while maintaining a high reliability in hostile (desert) environments. The grip on most Desert Reets is considered uncomfortably large for shooters with smaller hands, as the handle has to accommodate rounds never intended for an auto-loader. The Desert Reets are popular to this day, especially with the availability of Nano-Thermal Enhancement. The most enjoyable aspect of the Reet is its additional penetration due to its use of chemical enzymes as default!