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Anarchy Online : Balanced Galahad Inc. Tactical Machine Pistol 102

Name QL Range
Item Icon Balanced Galahad Inc. Tactical Machine Pistol 102 121 - 140
This was the favoured weapon of the 'Cicada', a famous gangster organization on the bio-moon Hebred, in the Mortensen system. It's lighter and faster than it looks, something which might be an advantage when your goal is mainly to intimidate. The organization was eradicated by OT-elite troops early in this century.
This was the favoured weapon of the 'Cicada', a famous gangster organization on the bio-moon Hebred, in the Mortensen system. It's lighter and faster than it looks, something which might be an advantage when your goal is mainly to intimidate. The organization was eradicated by OT-elite troops early in this century.