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Anarchy Online : Balanced Fabrique Des Armes Bizon 20-19

Name QL Range
Item Icon Balanced Fabrique Des Armes Bizon 20-19 121 - 140
The Bizon is a solid but somewhat slow combination weapon. It is generally regarded illegal on the Rubi-Ka market because the intuitive trigger is Omni-Tek technology, a patent which Fabrique Des Armes does not have permission to use. Unique for the gun is the intermidiate 'Inferno' compressor, that allows full auto with this ammo type.
The Bizon is a solid but somewhat slow combination weapon. It is generally regarded illegal on the Rubi-Ka market because the intuitive trigger is Omni-Tek technology, a patent which Fabrique Des Armes does not have permission to use. Unique for the gun is the intermidiate 'Inferno' compressor, that allows full auto with this ammo type.