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Anarchy Online : AoE

Name QL Range
Item Icon Use Item: Abduction AOE 1 - 1
Item Icon AoE 1 - 1
Something isn't... quite... riiii1iiighhhhtttt...o... 0110010001100101011000010111010001101000011001000110010101100001011101000110100001100100011001010110000101110100011010000110010001100101011000010111010001101000
A shrill and sharp noise fills the air - Your ears sting, but more non-human presences seem to find the noise enthralling.
Teleport AOE item. Stuns those close to destination.
EntvinedCplAoE3 MonsterEquipper
EntvinedCplAoE2 MonsterEquipper
EntvinedCplAoE1new MonsterEquipper
EntvinedCplAoE1 MonsterEquipper
AoEAttack MonsterEquipper
EntvinedCplAoE3 MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE3 MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE2 MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE2 MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE1 MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE1 MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE1new MonsterWeapon
EntvinedCplAoE1new MonsterWeapon
AoEAttack MonsterWeapon
AoEAttack MonsterWeapon
Makes wearer open to AoEs.
Destroyed by the alien mothership automated defenses.