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Anarchy Online : An Introduction to the Business of Making Stimulant Injectors

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Popularly referred to as stims, these injectors contain a mixture of: 1. Bio-chemical substances and 2. Pre-programmed nano bio-bots. The duty of the bio-chemical component is to gain acceptance and free access inside the body of the host by mimicking his/hers/its DNA-identifiers. The nano bio-bots are attached to the bio-chemical substance and quickly find the area(s) of the body which they are programmed to influence. The nano bio-robots used in these types of stims (usually DP-2.11, Dp-3, DP-4 or DP-5) have a short life span - to make sure that as little harm as possible is done to the physique of the host. After the expiration of these bots, the user will feel exhausted - while the blood transports the bot remains out of the circulation.